Please print this page, sign & date it, and return with deposit
Educational Productions Performance Agreement

By signing this agreement the sponsor agrees to invest in a Jim Vagias performance. A 50% non-refundable initial investment is required. Should the engagement for which the contract is made be canceled by the sponsor more than two weeks prior to the engagement, without cause from an act of god, the sponsor shall forfeit any and all deposits. However, if the sponsor decides to reschedule the engagement, any deposits made can be applied to rescheduled performance within one year after the original event date. Please note: that any rescheduled event is subject to availability. If sponsor cancels the engagement for any reason whatsoever within two weeks of the performance, the remaining balance must be paid in full and payable to Jim Vagias within two weeks of cancellation. If for any reason Jim Vagias has to cancel the event, another competent entertainer will be found or the deposit will be repaid in full. All balances due must paid in full the day of performance. Due to the busy performance schedule, all performances must begin on time. Thank you!

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover for your convenience.
All checks should be made payable to Jim Vagias

We accept all major credit cards

The sponsor of the performance: %company%

Contact person(s): %name%

Address: %address1%, %address2% %city%, %state% %zip%

Phone: %workphone% %homephone%

Fax: %fax%

E-mail: %email%

Date of performance: %field2%

Time and type: %field3% %field1%

Sponsor's total investment: %field8%

Initial investment: %field9%

Balance due on %field2%: %field11%

Name, address and phone of event site: %field4%

Please check this box I have read the frequently asked questions on

Please return this agreement within 7 days. If this agreement isn't returned by %today+7%, your date may be released.

Performer's signature:

Jim Vagias

date: %today%

Sponsor's signature: _________________________________


If paying by Credit Card please enter information below:

Name on Card: ______________________________________________________________________

CC# _________________________________________

Exp Date:________________________

Billing address (address where your credit card statement is sent to):


I look forward to making your event an amazingly unforgettable experience! email: [email protected] 732-238-8139 
123 main street, anytown, nj 08099